- OS - OS242
- GeeksforGeeks - Operating Systems - GeeksforGeeks offers detailed tutorials on operating systems, including process management and synchronization techniques, making it an excellent resource for reviewing concepts and preparing for exams or interviews.
- Arch Wiki - An extensive resource with detailed information on Linux concepts and configurations, useful for advanced learning and troubleshooting.
- Introduction to the Linux Command Line - Full Course - A comprehensive video course covering fundamental Linux command line commands and usage.
- LinuxCommand - Provides a basic introduction to Linux commands, including touch. It’s a good starting point for beginners.
- C Language Tutorial - Provides comprehensive tutorials and resources for learning C programming, offering examples and exercises for beginners and developers to enhance their coding skills.
- Fundamentals of Operating Systems - Covering key concepts like process management, CPU scheduling, and memory management for a deep academic understanding.
- How to Use SCP (Secure Copy) - Explains how to use the
command to securely transfer files and directories between two systems using SSH.
- Kernotex Youtube Channel - A Youtube channel with many helpful Linux-related videos.
- OS Log Codes - OS codes for log.
- Linux From Scratch - Tutorial for Linux From Scratch.
- Change Linux Username - It seems fairly simple, but changing username may lead to another complex problem if not done properly.
- Gaming in Linux - A person play a game in Linux.
- About Virtual Memory - Virtual Memory Things